The Kennel
Kennel Chonix
Chonix shiba kennel is a small kennel in a house at Kulladal in Malmö.
I had my first Shiba in 1992. And I had my first litter in 1995.
In average I have two litters annually which are just enough,
because I want to follow all my dogs and maintain a really good contact with all my dogs’ new families.
I also arrange trainings each semester to all my buyers who are interested.
These are held every second weekend on dates which are communicated well in advance.
Many of my buyers feel a great security to come and get help,
support and good advice this often.
No one has to attend, but if they want all are more than welcome.
Also many of my previous buyers attend frequently to the trainings just because they think it is nice to socialize,
meet other shiba owners and talk about the funniest, nicest and most natural subject in the world; our shiba dogs.
The Puppies
The puppies are born in my bedroom, where they live during the first two weeks.
Then they move downstairs to an enclosure in the room next to the kitchen.
When the puppies are about three to four weeks old, they feel ready to start exploring the area outside their enclosure.
Now their development accelerates quickly. Soon enough they are running around in their room, the kitchen and in the hall.
This makes them used to and comfortable with all normal sounds and activities in a home, like vacuum cleaning, dishwasher and phone ringing and so on….
When they reach about five to six weeks their mother let them meet the other shibas in the pack.
This way they learn common dog sense and dog etiquette from the grown up dogs.
Thanks to this all my puppies has well developed dog language when they move to their new homes.
The puppies are also as good as house-trained when they move, because when a puppy for the first time have peed on the lawn instead of inside on the floor,
they WANT to go out to pee, and it does express this very clearly.
The puppies also meet their new families several times before they move out.
They also get to meet many of my previous buyers who want to come and visit me when I have a new litter in my home.
I have started to suspect that they actually want to meet the puppies which they cuddle with more, than speaking to me.
But this has also the positive effect that my puppies are very well socialized and comfortable in meeting other people.
When the puppies move to their new home they are:
- Inspected by a veterinarian
- ID marked with a chip
- Trippel vaccinated
- Litter insured by SVELAND
- Hidden faults insured by SVELAND
This comes with the puppy:
- Health certificate from the veterinarian that the puppy is in good health (not to be older than 7 days)
- Pedigree of the puppy
- Dog purchase agreement by SKK (The Swedish Kennel Club)
- A DVD movie and a booklet with good advices by SKK.
- Registration of ownership by SKK, which I help you to fill out.
- Insurance forms by SVELAND, which I also help you to fill out.
- Food list, with advices on how, what and when the puppy should eat.
- Food enough for the first couple of weeks – Royal Canin medium junior.
- A weight diagram of the puppy up to week 8.
- A long list of good advices.
- A DVD-movie about the litter from that they are born up to week 7 or 8.
- A piece of the cloth they have been sharing in the enclosure taking with the scent of mother and siblings making the puppy feeling safe and comfortable.
If you are interested in buying a puppy from my kennel you are more than welcome to contact me and tell me about yourself.
You are of course welcome to visit me and my dogs.
Kennel Chonix
Annika Mårtensson Malmö
Tfn: 040-96 66 48