Kennel Chonix B-kull är snart 7 veckor Valppresentation nov 032018 Ettan-hane- Chonix Benitaro väger nu 2850 gram. Chonix Benitaro Chonix Benitaro Tvåan-tik- Chonix Benichiko väger nu 2250 gram. Chonix Benichiko Chonix Benichiko Trean-tik- Chonix Benimitsu väger nu 2450 gram. Chonix Benimitsu Chonix Benimitsu Fyran-tik- Chonix Beniyakko väger nu 2550 gram. Chonix Beniyakko Chonix Beniyakko Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.
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